We are a family of 3 hoping to once again enjoy the blessings of adoption. Please take a few minutes to get to know us better.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Photo Gallery

Here are a few of our favorite photos over the years. To see more recent photos, please visit our blog posts with updates and photos. Enjoy!


Making cookies for Santa
Shish-kabobs for dinner
Playing in the Ocean
Ocean in CA
Thanksgiving in CA
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man & Fireman.
Kerry made this costume from scratch
and took 1st place at his work party.

Snuggle Time on the Love Sac

Family Photos

Family Photos

Dad playing on the bobcat. Actually, he's bringing
dirt to our backyard so we can finish landscaping.

Thanksgiving Point Gardens

Dinosaur Museum - playing in the sand

Dinosaur Museum

Picking apricots at great grandpas house
so mommy can make apricot Jam

Mud bath in the backyard

Manti Pageant with grandma & grandpa

Fishing by our home - another great catch

At the Pike Street Fair in Washington
Logan and Kerry made a zucchini race car.
After several races, they took 1st place.

Trip to the state of Washington


Another trip to CA - playing on the tractor
with grandpa and cousins.

Aquarium - touching the sting rays

Safety Fair

Another year - another one of Kerry's
creations. He took 1st place at work.


Fire Truck getting ready for the parade

A few relatives from CA came to visit,
so we spent lots of time outside in the
hot tub, which had cool water for the summer.

4th of July - fireworks

Fun in the boat

Tubing time at the lake

Reading time with dad - one of
Logan's favorite things to do.

Logan - 2 years old

Reading time (or should I say play time) with dad

Haircut with dad

Petting the animals at the zoo

Laser Tag with the family in CA

Testing out the water

Together Forever

A special hug for mommy

Feeding the giraffe at the zoo

Logan playing on Grandpa's tractor in CA

Picinic at the lake

Fun in the snow

Our family 2005

Kerry's work of art.

Swimming in the Lake

Yosemite Valley - On our way to
visit grandma and grandpa in CA

Our Temple Sealing to Logan

The adoption is finalized 6 months
after Logan joins our family. YEAH!!!

Kerry's graduation from college with his BA.

Logan's first fishing trip.

Our sweet little baby boy joined our
family in 2005

The view of the lake by my parent's home in CA.

A few of the boys going for a ride in
in the jeep while visiting family in California.

Kerry is a great help in the kitchen

Having fun while cleaning

It started with just the two of us.

Thanks for visiting our site. If you or someone you know is looking for the perfect home for a child to be adopted into, please consider ours by visiting:

Our Adoption Profile

Thank you so much.