If we are blessed to have you as our birthparents, we look forward to the opportunity to work together with you in this adoption experience. Our next child will know of your great love for them and the sacrifices you have made in their behalf. We plan to be very open with all of our children about adoption and look forward to them not only knowing of their birthparents love, but their lives as well. We want you to know that we already have a great love for you, even though we have not met, and pray for you daily.
What Your Baby Will Know About You
Our son, Logan, is old enough now to know what adoption means and we enjoy showing him pictures of his birthmother and her family and letting him know how he is loved by so many people. One of his favorite things to do is to help pick out mothers day gifts and draw pictures for his birthmother with special messages. Your baby will always know that you chose adoption because you truly love them. We know that your love for your child will last forever and we will do our part to communicate that to them.
Your Baby's Place in Our Family
We want you to know that our home is a place where our children are able to feel of our Heavenly Father’s Spirit and to know how precious and loved they are. We are so blessed to have Logan in our lives and are so excited at the possibility of welcoming another baby, or two, or three.
Thanks for visiting our site. If you or someone you know is looking for the perfect home for a child to be adopted into, please consider ours by visiting:
Our Adoption Profile
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