We are a family of 3 hoping to once again enjoy the blessings of adoption. Please take a few minutes to get to know us better.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Adding to our Food Storage

Our family really feels it is important to keep 1 year of food storage and to do all we can to have the necessary supplies in case of an emergency. When we were little my mom did a lot of canning, however, it wasn't until Kerry and I were married and we were in a house of our own that I decided I needed to be more prepared and to focus on food storage. Kerry's various family members have plenty of fruits to share from their orchards and gardens and so quite a bit of the fruit we bottle, we get for free. We try each year to take advantage of their generosity and bottle as much as we can.
This last year, we discovered that you can bottle meat. We thought that would be such a great addition to our food storage and so for the past 6 months or so, we've been working hard to incorporate various meats into our food storage. I was able to get an awesome deal on ground beef this week from a very generous neighbor who works in a meat department at a local grocery store. And so for the past few days, we've been busy bottling (pressure cooking) 40 lbs of ground beef. This past fall we bottled chicken, pork, sausage, meatballs and ground beef. So, it was great to be able to add a little more to our food storage. The process is a bit time consuming but it is so worth it to add food to our storage shelves and to know that if something were to happen, we'd have food for our family.
Here are a few photos of the ground beef we bottled. I know, not too exciting...but putting the finished product on the shelf is pretty rewarding.

The Finished Product

36 Jars of Ground Beef - YEAH!!!

Pork & Chicken - bottled this past fall

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