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Monday, June 1, 2009
Family, Food and Fun
This past weekend we were together with family for a baby shower for my sister-in-law. Her baby was born 2 months pre-mature and is still in the NICU at the hospital. The baby continues to grow and develop every day and is doing great considering how pre-mature she was born. She has almost reached 5 lbs and if all continues to go well, she will hopefully be able to join her mom and dad at home in a few weeks (hopefully at most 1 month). This coming weekend we have several more family events to attend including a baptism, birthday, and a baby blessing. So, since we have so much going on with the family lately, we decided to take a sunday off (since we usually have dinner with the family at grandma and grandpas home) and enjoy time at home with just the three of us. We had a great time playing on the trampoline, bar-b-quing, and enjoying time together as a family. Here are a few photos from our sunday at home.
Yummy Bar-b-que chicken
Homemade Limeaid - it was soooo good!