We are a family of 3 hoping to once again enjoy the blessings of adoption. Please take a few minutes to get to know us better.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Playing with Friends

Logan had a few of his friends over yesterday and when I went to check on them, they were in Logan's room sitting on his bed reading a story...or at least Logan was trying to read the story to them. It was so cute. Here's Logan trying to read to his friends...

Reading to Friends

Next they decided they wanted to be workers and so I had to get all of the tools out for them to play with. Here they are all dressed and ready to get to work. It's pretty funny how one minute they'll be dressed as pirates and then the next they'll want to be something else. I've learned to keep the halloween costumes out all year long because the kids love to dress-up in them all of the time.

My busy worker talking on his play phone.

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